
來源:網(wǎng)群國際    瀏覽:

Charitable contribution towards the Conference on Developing PRO-Symptom


United States Friends of Cancer Research https://www.focr.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 50.00 Charitable contribution towards the Accelerating Pediatric Drug Development

United States Friends of Cancer Research https://www.focr.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 50.00 Charitable contribution towards the Innovation in Oncology

United States National Hemophilia Foundation https://www.hemophilia.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 200.00

Charitable contribution towards the Connections for Learning Program (John

Indence Memorial Donation)

United States National Hemophilia Foundation https://www.hemophilia.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 2.50 Charitable contribution towards the Education Dayz Conference

United States National Hemophilia Foundation https://www.hemophilia.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 5.00

Charitable contribution towards "Connect" to help raise funds and awareness for

the National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF)

United States National Hemophilia Foundation https://www.hemophilia.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 10.00 Charitable contribution towards the 2016 Spring Soiree fundraiser

United States National Hemophilia Foundation https://www.hemophilia.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 25.00 Charitable contribution towards the The Red Tie Challenge

United States National Hemophilia Foundation https://www.hemophilia.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 25.00 Charitable contribution towards the Regional Leadership Seminars

United States National Hemophilia Foundation https://www.hemophilia.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 40.00 Charitable contribution towards the Community Education 2016

United States National Hemophilia Foundation https://www.hemophilia.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 50.00 Charitable contribution towards the Nursing Education Scholarship

United States National Hemophilia Foundation https://www.hemophilia.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 125.00 Charitable contribution towards the National and State Advocacy Programming

United States National Hemophilia Foundation https://www.hemophilia.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 200.00 Charitable contribution towards the 2016 Inhibitor Education Programming

United States Vince Lombardi Cancer Foundation https://www.lombardifoundation.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.25 Charitable contribution towards the Food & Wine Experience fundraiser

United States Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition https://www.pabreastcancer.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50 Charitable contribution towards the PA Breast Cancer Coalition Conference

United States Pulmonary Fibrosis Partners, Inc. https://www.pulmonaryfibrosispartners.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 1'000.00 Charitable contribution towards the 2016 Pulmonary Fibrosis Symposium

United States SYRIAN AMERICAN MED SOCIETY https://www.sams-usa.net/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00 Support for the society's 12th Annual Fundraising Gala

United States Special Olympics Southern California, Inc. https://www.sosc.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 7.30

Charitable contribution towards the Spring Sports 2017 for people with intellectual


United States Turner Syndrome Foundation, Inc. https://www.turnersyndromefoundation.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 2.50

Charitable contribution towards the "Reach for the Stars" Holiday Celebration for

Friends and Families of the Turner Syndrome Foundation

United States Turner Syndrome Foundation, Inc. https://www.turnersyndromefoundation.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 10.00 Charitable contribution towards the New Diagnosis Patient Education video

United States Turner Syndrome Foundation, Inc. https://www.turnersyndromefoundation.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 25.00

Charitable contribution towards the Turner Syndrome Foundation Website


United States Young Survival Coalition https://www.youngsurvival.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 35.00

Charitable contribution towards the RISE: Respected Influencers through Science

and Education

United States JAM3R Research Funding, Inc. Jam3rresearchfunding.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 1'000.00

Charitable contribution towards the "HARD ROCK HOTEL CONCERT & ORANGE

CARPET" fundraiser for multiple sclerosis

United States JAM3R Research Funding, Inc. Jam3rresearchfunding.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 1'000.00

Charitable contribution towards the "JAM3R'S #ROCK OUT MS at ZAPPOS Las

Vegas Rocks Out MS!" fundraiser for multiple sclerosis

United States Kidney Foundation of Northwest Ohio kfnwo.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 1'000.00

Charitable contribution towards the The 24th Annual Kidney Klassic Golf

Tournament fundraiser

United States

North Texas Affiliate of Susan G. Komen Breast

Cancer Foundation komennorthtexas.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50

Charitable contribution towards the Celebration of Hope Luncheon and Fashion

Show fundraiser

United States Susan G. Komen for the Cure, San Diego komensandiego.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 2.50

Charitable contribution towards the 2016 Komen San Diego Race for the Cure


United States Living Beyond Breast Cancer lbbc.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50

Charitable contribution towards the Living Beyond Breast Cancer's The Butterfly

Ball fundraiser

United States Living Beyond Breast Cancer lbbc.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 2.00

Charitable contribution towards the Living Beyond Breast Cancer's Butterfly Ball


United States Living Beyond Breast Cancer lbbc.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 3.00

Charitable contribution towards the Living Beyond Breast Cancer's Reach & Raise

United States Living Beyond Breast Cancer lbbc.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 3.00 Reach & Raise for Living Beyond Breast Cancer

United States Living Beyond Breast Cancer lbbc.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 10.00

Charitable contribution towards the Blog Carnival: Personal Stories of HER2+

Breast Cancer

United States Living Beyond Breast Cancer lbbc.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 17.00 Charitable contribution towards the Clinical Trial Plain Language Fact Sheets

United States Living Beyond Breast Cancer lbbc.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 20.00

Charitable contribution towards the Hear My Voice: Metastatic Breast Cancer

Volunteer Outreach Program

United States Living Beyond Breast Cancer lbbc.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 30.00

Charitable contribution towards the Breast Cancer 360: New Approaches in


United States Living Beyond Breast Cancer lbbc.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 30.00

Charitable contribution towards the Thriving Together:Living Beyond Breast

Cancer's Annual Conference on Metastatic Breast Cancer

United States Living Beyond Breast Cancer lbbc.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 30.00

Charitable contribution towards the Annual Conference Breast Cancer Today:

Individual Treatments, Shared Experiences

United States Living Beyond Breast Cancer lbbc.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 33.00

Support for the Spanish Translation of Understanding to Understanding Breast

Cancer: Guide for the Newly Diagnosed

United States Melanoma International Foundation melanomainternational.org/

Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 35.00

Charitable contribution towards the Expansion and Replication of MIF's Patient

Services Program

United States Musicians On Call musiciansoncall.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 2.50 Charitable contribution towards the Disney Day, for children in hospitals

United States Musicians On Call musiciansoncall.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 5.00

Charitable contribution towards the Musicians On Call Half a Million Moments

Celebration - New York

United States Musicians On Call musiciansoncall.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 7.50

Charitable contribution towards the Musicians On Call's Half a Million Moments


United States Arkansas Oklahoma Cancer Support Foundation NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 1'000.00 Charitable contribution towards the Survivors' Challenge 2016

United States cancer tees me off NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 1'000.00 Charitable contribution towards cancer tees me off

United States Breast Cancer Think Tank Inc NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 2.50 Charitable contribution towards the Breast Cancer Think Tank

United States The National Turner Syndrome Camp, Inc. NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 2.50 Charitable contribution towards the The National Turner Syndrome Camp

United States Twentieth Century Club of Little Rock, Inc. NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 2.50

Charitable contribution towards the 20th Century Club's Lodge Fund-a-Night


United States Universal Communication Network, Inc NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 2.50

ICharitable contribution towards the mmuno-Oncology Chinese American Online

patient education Event

United States Young Japanese Breast Cancer Network NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 2.50

Charitable contribution towards the Japanese Breast Cancer Awareness Forum at

Nijiya Market, Torrance CA

United States Tamika & Friends, Inc. NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 30.00 Charitable contribution towards the Cervivor Summit

United States National Eczema Association nationaleczema.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 30.00 Charitable contribution towards the Itching for a Cure Walk Program fundraiser

United States Nora's Gift Foundation norashome.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 1'000.00

Charitable contribution towards the Nora's Home Gala at the Kentucky Derby!


United States Northwest Kidney Kids nwkidneykids.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.25 Charitable contribution towards the 2016 NW Kidney Kids Camps Program

United States Prevent Cancer Foundation preventcancer.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 20.00

Charitable contribution towards the 2017 Prevent Cancer Annual Spring Gala


United States Prevent Cancer Foundation preventcancer.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 25.00

Charitable contribution towards the Quantitative Imaging Workshop XIV: Lung

Cancer, COPD and Cardiovascular Disease

United States Prevent Cancer Foundation preventcancer.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 35.00

Charitable contribution towards the 2017 Dialogue for Action on Cancer Screening

and Prevention

United States Prevent Cancer Foundation preventcancer.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 45.00 Charitable contribution towards the Celebremos la Vida! Fundraiser

United States Race For Hope raceforhope.com/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50 Charitable contribution towards the Race For Hope fundraiser

United States Samaritan House samaritanhousesanmateo.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 25.00 Charitable contribution towards the Samaritan House Free Clinic of San Mateo

United States Sharsheret sharsheret.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 8.70 Charitable contribution towards the Breast Cancer Navigation Flowchart

United States Sharsheret sharsheret.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 10.00 Charitable contribution towards the Updated Website

United States Sharsheret sharsheret.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 10.00 Charitable contribution towards the Clinical Trials in a New Age

United States Sisters Network of Central New Jersey Inc. sncnj.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 1'000.00 Charitable contribution towards the 5K Breast Cancer Awareness Run/Walk 4Life

United States Sisters Network of Central New Jersey Inc. sncnj.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50 Charitable contribution towards the Health Summit & Screening

United States Sisters Network of Central New Jersey Inc. sncnj.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.50

Charitable contribution towards the Pearl Grace Breast Cancer Assistant

Tournament fundraiser

United States There With Care therewithcare.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 12.00 Charitable contribution as part of the Genentech 2016 Holiday Donation program

United States Triage Cancer triagecancer.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 5.00

Charitable contribution towards the Animated Videos to Provide Ptractical Cancer

Survivorship Information

United States Triage Cancer triagecancer.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 10.00 Promoting Clinical Trials Awareness and Access

United States Triage Cancer triagecancer.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 15.00 Charitable contribution towards the Online Interactive Decision Making Tool

United States Triage Cancer triagecancer.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 20.00 Charitable contribution towards the Triage Cancer Conference

United States Unverferth House. Inc unverferthhouse.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 500.00

Charitable contribution towards the 24th Annual Unverferth House Community

Education Golf Outing fundraiser

United States

Bonnie J. Addario A Breath Away from the Cure

Foundation www. lungcancerfoundation.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 2.50

Charitable contribution towards the Clinical Trial Innovation Prize

United States

Bonnie J. Addario A Breath Away from the Cure

Foundation www. lungcancerfoundation.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 5.00

Charitable contribution towards the Educational Video Library/Archive

United States

Bonnie J. Addario A Breath Away from the Cure

Foundation www. lungcancerfoundation.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 5.00

Charitable contribution towards the Patient Web Portal

United States

Bonnie J. Addario A Breath Away from the Cure

Foundation www. lungcancerfoundation.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 5.00

Charitable contribution towards the Patient Education Mobile APP

United States

Bonnie J. Addario A Breath Away from the Cure

Foundation www. lungcancerfoundation.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 5.00

Charitable contribution towards the Simply The Best Dinner Gala XI fundraiser

United States

Bonnie J. Addario A Breath Away from the Cure

Foundation www. lungcancerfoundation.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 10.00

Charitable contribution towards the Collaborative Educational Patient Brochure


United States

Bonnie J. Addario A Breath Away from the Cure

Foundation www. lungcancerfoundation.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 20.00

Charitable contribution towards the Spanish & Mandarin Translation of all Patient

Education Materials

United States

Bonnie J. Addario A Breath Away from the Cure

Foundation www. lungcancerfoundation.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 20.00

Charitable contribution towards the Patient Educational Handouts

United States

Bonnie J. Addario A Breath Away from the Cure

Foundation www. lungcancerfoundation.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 30.00

Charitable contribution towards the "Navigating Lung Cancer" Patient Education


United States

Bonnie J. Addario A Breath Away from the Cure

Foundation www. lungcancerfoundation.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 30.00

Charitable contribution towards the Lung Cancer Living Room "Bringing Hope


United States

Bonnie J. Addario A Breath Away from the Cure

Foundation www. lungcancerfoundation.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 30.00

Charitable contribution towards the Lung Cancer Registry

United States

Bonnie J. Addario A Breath Away from the Cure

Foundation www. lungcancerfoundation.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 30.00

Charitable contribution towards the Community Hospital Lung Cancer COE, Patient

Education Materials

United States Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America www.aafa.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 20.00 Charitable contribution towards the "Asthma PACT"

United States Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America www.aafa.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 40.00

Charitable contribution towards the Website and Social Media Educational Outreach

United States Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America www.aafa.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 40.00

Charitable contribution towards the State Honor Roll Report of Asthma & Allergy

Policies for Schools

United States Aplastic Anemia and MDS International Foundation www.aamds.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 5.00

Charitable contribution towards the PNH (Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria)

Webinar Series

United States Aplastic Anemia and MDS International Foundation www.aamds.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 5.00 Charitable contribution towards the Patient and Family Conferences

United States Aplastic Anemia and MDS International Foundation www.aamds.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 5.00

Charitable contribution towards the PNH (Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria)

Awareness and Outreach

United States Aplastic Anemia and MDS International Foundation www.aamds.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 15.00 Charitable contribution towards the "Understanding Clinical Trials" program

United States Allergy & Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics www.aanma.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 20.00 Charitable contribution towards the Patient Engagement in Asthma Research

United States Allergy & Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics www.aanma.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 25.00 Charitable contribution towards the Severe Asthma Awareness Campaign

United States Allergy & Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics

www.aanma.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 25.00

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