
來源:網(wǎng)群國際    瀏覽:


Hellenic Federation of Persons with Multiple

Sclerosis www.poamskp.gr/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 900.00

Participation at the 2nd Hellenic Experience Exchange Forum for Patient


Greece Hellenic Liver Patient Association “Prometheus” www.poamskp.gr/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 900.00

Participation at the 2nd Hellenic Experience Exchange Forum for Patient



Hellenic Federation of Persons with Multiple

Sclerosis www.poamskp.gr/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) EUR 170.00

Creation, design and development of a log-in "online library" portal addressed to

patient groups

Greece Hellenic Liver Patient Association “Prometheus” www.poamskp.gr/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) EUR 170.00

Creation, design and development of a log-in "online library" portal addressed to

patient groups

Greece Arthritis Foundation of Crete www.srcrete.gr/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations EUR 900.00

Participation at the 2nd Hellenic Experience Exchange Forum for Patient


Greece Arthritis Foundation of Crete www.srcrete.gr/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) EUR 170.00

Creation, design and development of a log-in "online library" portal addressed to

patient groups


Diabetes Association of Thessaloniki "St. Dimitrios"

www.syl-diavitikon-nthess.gr Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

EUR 500.00

Financial donation to the organisation which supports the needs of people with type

I and II diabetes, by educational medical workshops and psychological support


Association of Endocrinology and nutrition

metabolism of Guatemala NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 890.00

Partial funding of the XI National Congress of endocrinology, metabolism and




ESPERANZA NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 610.00

Support for supplies required by the association



GUATEMALA (ADERGU) NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 890.00

Support for arthritic patients with the activity "Aprendiendo a vivir con IRC"



ESPERANZA NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 910.00

Support for administrative activities in the association



ESPERANZA NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.75

Support for administrative activities in the association



ESPERANZA NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 1.86

Support for awareness raising activities for patients with cancer and the caregivers

Guatemala ASOCIACION RECONSTRUYENDO VIDAS NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 2.00 Support for the continuos medical education of survivors of cancer



ESPERANZA NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 2.46

Support for medical education by participating in the Foro Alianza Latina (Latin

Alliance Forum)



ESPERANZA NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 4.00

Support for administrative activities in the association



ESPERANZA NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kUSD 6.50

Support for medical education for patients with cancer



INSUFICIENCIA RENAL NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 590.00

Support for patients education with materials for the World Kidney Day



ENFERMEDADES REUMATICAS (ASHOPER) reumahonduras.blogspot.com Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kUSD 1.30

Support for three medical sessions for patients with reumatology diseases and their


Honduras FUNDACION FUNLUVI DE HONDURAS www.fundacionluzyvida.com Financial contributions to Patient Organisations USD 780.00

Support to participate in an annual meeting of a Latin American Consensus in


Hong Kong Jelly Beans Society Limited http://jellybeansocietylimited.blogspot.hk/2014/05/codeof-conducts.html

Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHKD 9.60

Support Jelly Beans Society Limited to produce Newsletter and Patient Health Talk

to enhance members knowledge in renal disease

Hong Kong

Hong Ling Renal Cub

http://www.hlrc.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kHKD 10.00

Support Hong Ling Renal Cub to organize Health Talk and 35th Annual Meeting to

enhance members knowledge on anemia management and share patient group

achievements in 2016

Hong Kong

Associacao de Feliz Paraiso




237409769987486/?ref=page_internal Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kHKD 60.00

Support Associacao de Feliz Paraiso to organize Patient Educational Talk on World

Breast Cancer Day

Hong Kong Rheumatology Health Support Group https://www.facebook.com/pg/rhsgmo/about/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHKD 5.00

Support Rheumatology Health Support Group to organize Patient Health Talk to

enhance patients knowledge in rheumatoid arthritis disease management

Hong Kong

Maggie's Cancer Caring Centre

https://www.maggiescentre.org.hk/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kHKD 60.00

Support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Lymphoedema Exercise Workshop,

DIY Prosthesis and Bra Fitting, Hair and Wigs Care, and Nutrition Talk on

Functional Food and Breast Cancer

Hong Kong

Hong Kong Patients' Voices

NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 3.88

Support for the participation of one representative at the International Experience

Exchange For Patient Organizations & the Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient

Organization Forum 2016 in Copenhagen

Hong Kong

Renal Companion Association

NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kHKD 5.00

Support Renal Companion Association Annual Meeting cum Health Talk 2016 to

enhance members knowledge on anemia management and share patient group

achievements in 2016

Hong Kong

Mutual Support Society for Tung Wah Renal Patients

NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kHKD 5.00

Mutual Support to organize Patients Health Talk and Annual Meeting to enhance

members knowledge on anemia management and share patient group

achievements in 2016

Hong Kong

Kidney Patients' Association Tuen Mun Hospital

NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kHKD 6.00

Support to organize Monthly Sharing Meeting to recruit new members and enhance

their knowledge in renal disease area and discuss post-transplantation issues with

patients and their families

Hong Kong Kidney Patients' Association Tuen Mun Hospital NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHKD 9.50

Support to organize Patient Health Talk to enhance patients and their families'

medical knowledge in kidney disease area and caring of post transplantation

Hong Kong Yin Chun Club NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHKD 30.00

Immediate resources for venue rental to maintain daily activities such as ordering

patient materials, meeting and rehabilitate activities.

Hong Kong Diabetes HongKong www.diabetes-hk.org Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHKD 20.00

Annual sponsorship for Diabetes HK, in which Roche will receive a complimentary

quarter page advertisement in Diabetes HK Newsletter.

Hong Kong Hong Kong Alliance for Rare Disease www.hkard.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHKD 80.00

Support Hong Kong Alliance for Rare Disease to organize Annual Activities 2016

on World Rare Diseases Day and Fund Raising Program on RareWalker

Hong Kong Hong Kong Rheumatoid Arthritis Assoication www.hkraasso.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHKD 30.00

Support Hong Kong Rheumatoid Arthritis Association to organize Health Talks on

rheumatoid arthritis disease management for members and their families

Hong Kong Hong Kong Rheumatoid Arthritis Assoication www.hkraasso.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHKD 75.00

Support Hong Kong Rheumatoid Arthritis Association to conduct Patient Survey

and Press Conference to educate patients the importance of drug compliance

Hungary Camp Courage Foundation http://batortabor.hu/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHUF 80.00

Support to the foundation who organises rehabilitative, therapeutic and recreational

programs for children

Hungary The Diabetes Foundation for Children and Youths http://diab-barat.hu/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHUF 130.00

Educational grant: One-week summer camp for adolescent diabetics,


Hungary Hungarian Diabetes Association http://diabet.hu/upload/diabetes/intro/index.html Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHUF 1'000.00

Support the research of diabetology, scientific education of the members of the

Hungarian Diabetes Association

Hungary DIABOLO Foundation for Children with Diabetes http://diaboloalapitvany.hu/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHUF 20.00

Educational support for pediatric patients with diabetes mellitus (eg. New pump


Hungary Foundation for Nyírségi Diabetes Children http://nyir-diabet.oldalai.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHUF 100.00 Summer educational camp for pediatric patients


acuket.hu (Foundation to support the treatment of

diabetic patients) http://www.acuket.hu/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHUF 400.00

Educational grant: means-tested support of medical devices used in the treatment

of metabolic control of diabetes, especially in insulin pump therapy.


"Aprónép" Foundation

http://www.apronepalapitvany.hu/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kHUF 100.00

Support the foundation who organize international educational camping for children

with diabetes: daily training for metabolism, train them how to treat it to be able to

manage their life better


Phoenix awareness-raising Association http://www.civilek.hu/civil-szervezetek/fonixszemleletformalo-egyesulet/

Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kHUF 300.00

Support the foundation in social activities: Education for children with diabetes and

their families - health prevention, stress reduction, lifestyle changes, selfmedication,

the use of herbs

Hungary "Sweet Child" Foundation http://www.edesgyermekunk.hu/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHUF 80.00 Summer educational camp for pediatric patients


Assoc. for Children with Diabetes Mellitus in

Székesfehérvár http://www.gyermekdiabetes.hu/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHUF 300.00

Educational grant: Two weeks camp for children with diabetes (5-17 years old) fom

Fejér County at the Lake Balaton (51 children)


Assoc. for Children with Diabetes Mellitus in

Székesfehérvár http://www.gyermekdiabetes.hu/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHUF 400.00

Educational grant: Training weekend for children with diabetes type 1 and their



Non-profit foundation for Bókay Children's Clinic http://www.gyermekklinika.semmelweis.hu/info.aspx?s

p=89 Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kHUF 400.00

Support the foundation to organize professional congresses, trainings and support

them to participate at different professional congresses and trainings throughout


Hungary "Mályvavirág" Foundation http://www.malyvavirag.hu/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHUF 270.00

Support the foundation in social activities: Mallow House decorative painting.

(Paintbrushes, t-shirts ...)

Hungary "Mályvavirág" Foundation http://www.malyvavirag.hu/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHUF 500.00

Support the foundation in social activities: European Cervical Cancer Prevention

Week, launch event

Hungary Hungarian Jewish Social Support Foundation http://www.mazs.hu Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHUF 2'000.00

Supporting of Bridge of Health (Patient education and awareness campaign on

Budapest's Chain Bridge)


Diabetic Children Foundation

NA Financial contributions to Patient Organisations

kHUF 150.00

Support the foundation who organize camps for children with diabetes: education

activities, trainings about prevention, sport activities, theoretical and practical

diabetological knowledge sharing

Hungary Gyógyulj Velünk Egyesület www.gyve.hu Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHUF 1'000.00 Support for the association's patient educational activities

Hungary The Hungarian Crohn's & Colitis Association www.mccbe.hu Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHUF 100.00

Support for publication of "Chronica" (Patient Group's publication for patient


Hungary Information About Breast Cancer Organization www.mellrakinfo.hu Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kHUF 106.36

Rollup of self examination (in-kind support in order to help educate and raise

awareness on the importance of screening / self examination)

Hungary Information About Breast Cancer Organization www.mellrakinfo.hu Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kHUF 393.92

Rollup of self examination (in-kind support in order to help educate and raise

awareness on the importance of screening / self examination)

Hungary Hungarian League against Cancer www.rakliga.hu Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHUF 200.00

Support for Event for the Lymphoma World Day (Patient education and awareness


Hungary Hungarian League against Cancer www.rakliga.hu Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHUF 300.00

Support for Event for the Lymphoma World Day (Patient education and awareness


Hungary Hungarian League against Cancer www.rakliga.hu Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kHUF 2'000.00

Support for event called 'Fighter's Club' (patient club for education and awareness)

Iran Mahak charity http://www.mahak-charity.org/main/index.php/en Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kMAD 2.24

Accommodation for the attendance at the Experience Exchange for Patient

Organizations in Casablanca, Morocco


MAHAK http://www.mahak-charity.org/main/index.php/en/homeen

Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

kDKK 2.59

Non-financial support for the participation of two representatives at the International

Experience Exchange For Patient Organizations 2016 in Copenhagen

Iran Behnam Daheshpour NA Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind) kMAD 5.60

Accommodation for the attendance at the Experience Exchange for Patient

Organizations in Casablanca, Morocco

Iran Mahak Charity organization www.mahak-charity.org/ Financial contributions to Patient Organisations kIRR 37'000.00

Support towards the organization's Children Walk 2016, to help raise funds for

children with cancer


Irish Lung Fibrosis Association

http://www.ilfa.ie/ Non-financial contributions to Patient Organisations (in-kind)

CHF 710.00

Attendance of one representative at the 6th AIR meeting 2016 to provide

international physicians the patient perspective of living with Idiopathic Pulmonary

Fibrosis (IPF), November 2016


Irish Lung Fibrosis Association

http://www.ilfa.ie/ Fees for Services (speaking / consulting engagement)

EUR 990.00

Speaker service at the 5th AIR meeting 2015 to provide international physicians the

patient perspective of living with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), November

2015 Prague

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