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Directory of enterprises in Slovakia


Company Name City/Province Country Address P.O.Box Zip Code Phone 1 Fax 1 Mobile Toll Free Contact Position Email Website Product List Classification About us Category Activities Employees Capital Type Brands Annual E. Revenue Year of Establish Total Annual Sales Turnover Legal Form Import Export Market Profile Search Keyword Bank Reference Main Markets Trade Names

FLELCHEM SR Slovakia Rybnicna 40 831 07 Bratislava-Vajnory - SLOVAKIA 421-(2)-44-87-12-58 421-(2)-44-87-12-63

http://www.vinicolavedovato.com Sugar Food & Related products Bulk wine wholesale White, red, rosé and very red table wines IGT & DOC quality wines Sale of concentrated & rectified grape must, juices and white and red musts Bulk wine import-export WINE, BULK WINE, MUST, CONCENTRATED, GRAPE, JUICE

FLEDUARD RADA, AS Slovakia Pivovar Steiger 24 966 02 Vyhne - SLOVAKIA 421-(45)-677-21-16 421-(45)-677-22-34

http://www.tanaragiancarlo.it Beer Food & Related products Production and maturing Parma ham DOP Naturally matured Raw ham Traditional typical process CEE/316L authorisation Export authorisation Usa - Canada - Japan HAM, HAMS, HAM FACTORY, PARMA HAM, RAW HAM, SALAMI FACTORY, SALAMI

FLADIVIT, SPOL. S R.O. Slovakia Novozamocka 179 949 05 Nitra - SLOVAKIA 421-(37)-651-69-10 421-(37)-651-69-18

http://www.redoil.it Herb teas Food & Related products Manufacturers Manufacture and trade of lubricants, greases, additives & chemical products for automotive sailing, agriculture, ironmongery, industry & heavy autotraction Biofuel, used biodiesel as ecologic fuel LUBRICANTS, GREASES, ADDITIVES, CHEMICAL PRODUCTS, BIOFUELS, BIODIESEL

FLDUBR****ANKA R.F.T., A.S. Slovakia Kralova Pri Senci 87 900 50 Králová Pri Senci - SLOVAKIA 421-(2)-64-36-61-18

http://www.pittaffo.it Bread, cakes and pastries Food & Related products Producers of marmalades Jams Jellies Honey Fruit creams Contract production Linea Italissima production JAMS, MARMALADES, HONEY, ORGANIC MARMALADES, ITALISSIMA, JELLIES

FLEASTERN SUGAR SLOVENSKO A.S. Slovakia Bratislavska Cesta 1246/9 929 12 Dunajska Streda 1 - SLOVAKIA 421-(31)-590-66-60 421-(31)-552-49-62

http://www.paginegialle.it/sibec-ce Sugar Food & Related products Frozen meat processing Meat wholesalers Wholesale Meat processing ovine meat pork meat white meat BUTCHERING OF MEAT, ABATTOIR WITH AGREED STORE

FLDRU A.S. Slovakia Strazska Cesta 960 01 Zvolen - SLOVAKIA 421-(45)-532-19-75 421-(45)-533-31-91

http://www.paginegialle.it/pellinicaffe Pastries Food & Related products Pellini is one of the leading Italian producers of coffee and spices High quality profile Company subject to CEE 2092/91 regulations for the production and direct importation of coffee produced by biological planting Prod. Cert. GOST A 08 & KOSHER OU PELLINI, COFFEE, PELLINI COFFEE

FLDR.OETKER S.R.O. Slovakia Ladova 14 811 05 Bratislava - SLOVAKIA 421-(2)-52-44-29-12 421-(2)-52-44-29-25

http://www.paginegialle.it/labaia Food - import-export Food & Related products Import of seafood Shellfish fish, shellfish Semi-treated, fresh alive and frozen fish Hotel and restaurant supplies FROZEN FISH, DEEP-FROZEN FISH

FLDELIS S.R.O. Slovakia Kosicka 52 821 08 Bratislava - SLOVAKIA 421-(33)-730-02-95 421-(33)-730-02-93

http://www.orodiamalfi.it Beverages - import-export Food & Related products Limoncello, liqueur cream of lemon, mandarin, fennel, wild strawberries, liquorice liqueur, wines Orange liqueur, melon cream, Babà al limoncello, Babà al Mandarino, citrus fruit marmalades, chocolates, wild strawberry liqueur e-mail: orodiamalfi[ta]orodiamalfi.it LIQUEURS, ALCOHOL, SYRUPS, ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, SPIRITS, WALNUT AND MIRTO LIQUEURS

FLEURO-MINERAL S.R.O. Slovakia Korytnica 671 034 03 Biely Potok - SLOVAKIA 421-(44)-439-69-01 421-(44)-439-69-33

http://www.jinwafood.com Mineral water Food & Related products Founded in 1993 with monthly production capacity of 5,000 tons. Professional in producing Jelly, Jellies, Fruit Jelly, jelly juice, Jelly Drink, Pudding with ISO22000:2005, HACCP Certification.

Investicna a Rozvojova Banka AS SLOVAKIA Tallerova 10; Bratislava; 818 5

5 2:363667^^421.2-363667 2-323594^^421.2-323594 Bank Services Banks

Investicna a Rozvojova Banka AS SLOVAKIA Zahoracka 46/30; Malacky; 901 01 421.703-723709^^703:723709


 Bank Services Banks

Investicnل a rozvojovل banka as;Investicnل a rozvojovل banka as;Investicnل a rozvojovل banka as;Investicnل a rozvojovل banka as;Investicnل a rozvojovل banka as;Investicnلrozvojovل banka as Slovakia Stْrova 5, 813 54 Bratislava +421 2 59791111 +421 2 52963484 President & Chairman: Adam Celusلk; Banking Services Division: Jaroslav Belلs (Vice-President & General Director); Commercial Division: Roman Chotلr (Vice-President & General Director); Financial Management Division: L'ubos Vrazda (Vice-President & General Director); General Services Division: Pavel Vladovic (Vice-President & General Director); Banking Services Division & Deposit Products Dept: Miloslav Klus (Director & Head); Dealing: Iveta Kocْrkovل; International Department: Pavol Safلr; Financial Institutions: Tatiana Scepلnovل; Documentary Collections: Ol'ga Timorackل; Foreign Payments: Rudolf Lorko; Documentary Business: Adriana Maskalikorل.^^Dealing Room: Tel: +421 2 59792463; Fax: +421 2 52964244^^^Doc Credits: Tel: +421 2 59792456, 2 59792353; Fax: +421 2 52921430, 2 321433^^^Fin: Tel: +421 2 59792418, 2 59792419, 2 59792517^^^Forex: Tel: +421 2 59792461; Fax: +421 2 52964244^^^Int. Payments: Tel: +421 2 59792422; Fax: +421 2 52921430^^^Intl Dept: Tel: +421 2 59792516/7; Fax: +421 2 52921433; Tlx: 92309 inrb sk; SWIFT/BIC: INRB SK BX info[ta]irb.sk

http://www.irb.sk Asset Management, Bills of Exchange, Bonds, Capital Markets, Correspondent Banking, Debentures, Documentary Credits, Equity Investments, Foreign Exchange, Guarantees, Letters of Credit, Money Markets, Portfolio Management, Syndicated Loans and Underwriting Banskل Bystrica, Bardejov, Bratislava, Cadca, Detva, Doln‎ Kubيn, Dunajskل Streda, Galanta, Humenné, Ivanka pri Dunaji, Komلrno, Kosice, Levice, Liptovsk‎ Mikulلs, Lucenec, Malacky, Martin, Michalovce, Nitra, Nové Zلmky, Partiza'nske, Pezinok, Piest'any, Poprad, Povazskل Bystrica, Presov, Prievidza, Rimavskل Sobota, Roznava, Ruzomberok, Sala, Secovce, Senec, Senica, Spisskل Novل Ves, Starل Lubovna, Svidnيk, Topolcany, Trebisov, Trencيn, Trnava, Vel'k‎ Krtيs, Vojany, Vranov nad Toplou, Ziar nad Hronom, Zilina, Zvolen. banks 1069

 Commercial, Retail and Wholesale Banking $8,855,104 (Dec.31 2000)

Investiucna a Rozvojova Banka AS SLOVAKIA Ul 1 Maja 12; Liptovsky Mikulas; 031 01 421.849-514081^^849:514081 421.849-24513^^849-24513

 Bank Services Banks

IPF I VSZ-Sporitelna AS (Investment Fund JSC) Slovakia Bratislava banks

IRB Credit as Slovakia Tallerova 10, 81102 Bratislava +421 2 701417 +421 2 24329


Istrobanka a.s.;Istrobanka a.s;Istrobanka a.s.;Istrobanka a.s.;Istrobanka a.s. Slovakia PO Box 109, Laurinskل 1, 810 00 Bratislava +421 2 59397111, 2 54431742 +421 2 54431744 Chairman & General Manager: Miroslav Paulen; Correspondent Banking: Brigita Horskل (Head); Foreign Exchange & Money Markets: Vladimيr Kubrick‎ (Head); Documentary Credits & Bank Guarantees: Zuzana Kliskل (Head) .^^Capital Markets: Tel: +421 2 59397550; Fax: +421 2 59397549^^^Corporate & Project Finance: Tel: +421 2 59397280; Fax: +421 2 59397395^^^Corr Bkg: Tel: +421 2 59397240-2; Fax: +421 2 59397524^^^Documentary Credits & Bank Guarantees: Tel: +421 2 59397354; Fax: +421 2 59397423^^^Forex & Money Market: Tel: +421 2 59397552; Fax: +421 2 59397561^^^Guarantees: Tel: +421 2 59397569; Fax: +421 2 54431423^^^International Funds Transfer: Tel: +421 2 59397437; Fax: +421 2 59397264 info[ta]istrobanka.sk

http://www.istrobanka.sk Banskل Bystrica, Bardejov, Bratislava, Brezno, Dunajskل Streda, Kosice, Levice, Lucenec, Martin, Michalovce, Nitra, Nové Mesto nad Vلhom, Poprad, Povazskل Bystrica, Presov, Prievidza, Roznava, Ruzomberok, Topolcany, Trebisov, Trencيn, Trnava, Zilina, Zvolen. banks 731 Commercial Banking $1,248,597 (Dec.31 2000)

Istrobanka AS SLOVAKIA Dolna 62; Banska Bystrica; 97401 421.88-753677^^88:753677 421.88-753679^^88-753679

 Bank Services Banks

Tatracom as Slovakia Stara Prievozska 2 Bratislava, 821 09

 42175216014 4217521601

5 Hecko, Evzen tatracom[ta]gtinet.sk

Taureus spol.s r.o. Slovakia Dubravska cesta 9 Bratislava, 84202 42175477731

5 421754777316

 Kocis, Dusan dkocis[ta]taureus.sk

TCS Media North Slovakia 2nd Floor, Cypress House, Grove Avenue Wilmslow, Cheshire 612553679

5 Crompton, David tcsnor[ta]dial.pipex.com

Technoinvest Holding a.s. Slovakia Lovinskeho 22 Bratislava, SK 81104 421905497668


 Brandys, Anton anton[ta]brandys.sk

TELEKOM SERVIS, S.R.O. Slovakia Studena 3, BRATISL****A, SK 821 04 421 7 44453279

421 7 44453279

 TELEKOM SERVIS, S.R.O. tservis[ta]ba.psg.sk

Telenor Slovakia Slovakia P.O.Box 1, Plynarenska 1 Bratislava, 824 58

 421 7 58 262 111 421 7 53 41 90 41 Mesaros,Tomas hostmaster[ta]telenor.sk

Telenor Slovakia Slovakia Plynarenska 1 Bratislava, Slovakia 82109


42175219041 Vallo, Miroslav vallo[ta]telenor.sk

TELEQUEST, s.r.o. Slovakia Sladkovicova 7, Bratislava 1, 81106

 421 88 4328163

421 88 4146279

 Jan, Gallo gallo[ta]viapvt.sk

Teleshop SRG Slovakia Stefanikova 29 Zilina, 01001 42189625853


5 Illek, Gerhard teleshop[ta]za.psg.sk

Termodecor Slovakia Moldavska 9 Koice, 040 11 4210956439544 4210956439544 Mandzjuk, Peter petro[ta]ke.psg.sk


 CYBER, SAINT cybersaint[ta]post.sk

Thomas A. Buckingham Slovakia Krasna 16A, Bratislava, 8210

5 421-7-4333-9424 1-508-256-0296

 Buckingham, Thomas tabuckingham[ta]csi.com

West Trend Encore, s.r.o. Slovakia 28 M. Urbana, Komarno, SVK 94501 SK 011 421 817 416527 011 421 817 416527 Juraj, Gubric juraj[ta]westrend.com

World Business Corporation s.r.o. Slovakia Cintorinska 45, Trencin, Slovak Republic 911 01 421 831 581 590

421 831 581 592 Vargovic, Ivan ivanv[ta]psg.sk


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