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Ditchkoff, Vic

Served with F 2/5 from 1966 to 1968 under Company Commanders: Captain George Burgette, Captain Graham.

Last time I saw Captain Burgette was when he was medivac from Operation "Tuscaloosa" My Platoon Commander was 1stLt Scurris.

Was with F 2/5 starting at Hill 35 in Chu Lai all the way to Operation "Hue" !!!

2205 Southside #12D

Port Royal, SC 2***



Interests: Internet

Dixon, Paul R.

1632 N. Hurricane Road

McEwen, TN 3***




I was with F 2/5 2nd Plt Sqd from March 1, 1969 to August 1969. I served with Steve Piscitelli, Dan Bullock, Egglinsdorfer, Dan Farris. Past this, I have forgotten a lot of names. I was at Charleston, SC reunion but left early for health problems. I missed all I knew from my time in Fox Co. by leaving. I was wounded the 3rd and 4th times in August 69. I was medivaced to Japan and returned to duty, finishing my 4 years at Marine Barracks Bermuda as a Sgt. I'd like to hear from all I served with. My memory is bad on names. It was a privilege and honor to serve with you all. See you in Reno, ***

Doll, Gregg

I joined F 2/5 at Hai Van Pass in July 1968 after having served with H & S Company for seven months guarding the squids of the First Medical Battalion stationed outside of DaNang and later Phu Bai.

My tour of Viet-Nam was ended 6Aug68 outside of An Hoa thanks to a napalm attack by an F-4 Phantom on the second platoon. Upon returning to the states, I received my medical attention at the Naval Hospital in Philadelphia. After my release from the hospital I was stationed with the Marine Guard Detail at the U.S. Naval Base in Philadelphia until I was retired with a 70% disability in March 1***

I now enjoy my retirement living on our 14 acre homestead in the mountains of western Pennsylvania with my wife of 26 years, Barbara, and our eighteen year old twins, Penelope and Zachary.

My wife works at Saint Francis University where she is the Library IT Coordinator. I am employed as a photojournalist for the Star-Courier, part of Mainline Newspapers.

518 Murphy's Spring Rd

Hastings, Pa 1***



Donoghue, Richard

Radio man 3 Bravo. I will never forget all my brothers who lived and died in THE NAM. 1969-70 Quang Nam Province

Danbury, New Hampshire



Downs, Mike



Company Comander F-2-5; OCT 67- Ma***

1811 Edgehill Dr

Alexandria,Va. 2***

Du Bois, Anthony

Email: adubois9773**[ta]**.com


Address: 4111 NW 88 Ave., Coral Springs, FL 3***

Phone: 954-227-***

Comments: I've served with Fox 2/5 only for a short while but the time I did spend with my fellow blackhearts was the best time of my life. Today I am a fire fighter for the city of Coral Springs, Fl and currently going to paramedic school to better my position within the fire dept. Semper Fi Blackhearts!!!

Dull, Don

I served in China at the time of the Communist take over in 1946. I was in the 1st MP co. 1st Mar. Div in Tientsin. In 1947 most of the division was shipped to Guam to avoid further hostilities with the Commies. I was assigned to F/2/5 First Marine Brigade. The Division was downgraded to a Brigade at that time, not to regain Division status until the Korean War. The service on Guam was quite mundane. The towns, Agana and the like, were out of bounds. Spent most of our time at the Company's slop chute, feeling sorry for ourselves and drinking that ten cent 3/2 beer. The beer was bad, but the company was good.

P. O. Bo***

Hornbrook, CA 9***




Edwards, Damon

1519 Hickory Hill

Pineville, LA 7***




Edwards, Grinnell

PO Box ***

Browning, MT




Comments: Get Hard or Die. Blackhearts!

Emmerton, Leawood

I was a Corpsman with Fox 2/5 and proud of my service with the Marine Corps, 1966-1967 thanks...Semper Fidelis. Went back to school after discharge, currently in my 34th year as a Physician Assistant.(11Mar08 ema***

I was Corpsman Fox Co. 2/5/1, I believe 2nd Platoon, beginning of 1966 to 1967, origin at Camp Pendelton, trained in Okinawa, transported to Vietnam on USS Bear, making beach landing in Chu Lai. I was wounded on hill 69. Transferred H/S Co. Involved with several operations, ie, Colorado, Prairie and many others. I remember the Rock Pile. Some Hill on the DMZ from where we made many engagements with North Regs, and night ambush patrols on the DMZ. Was this in response, and actually to help stop the insurgence of the North Vietnamese Regs? What the hell happened to the term "INVASION". Oh well, ended up in Dong Ha. Transported Home out of Da Nang via Continental Airlines, although had to wait for second plane due to damage to first, from what we were told was ground fire. Would someone refresh my mind who the C.O was; I think it was Burgett . I am proud to have served with the best and would serve tomorrow if called on....Semper Fi. (16Mar08 ema***

128 Highland Avenue

Holden, MA 0***



Ennis, James "Chilly"

Completed basic at MCRD in August 1969. Joined Fox 2/5 in An Hoa on Nov. 11, 1969. Served as a Rifleman, Ammo Bearer for M60, and eventually gunner. Spent most of my time in-country at Arizona, Dodge City, and on Liberty Road Patrols. On the morning of 2/20/70, I was with "Mack" and "Doc" and some new guys performing a patrol off Liberty Rd., I was the A Gunner. We were involved in a land mine incident. Does anyone remember this? I am looking for the guys that were there. I don't know real names only nicknames. Please contact me if you were there or know anything about this incident. I am trying to find these guys and/or their families, especially "Doc" and "Mack".

8304 Indian Caves Ct

Charlestown, IN 4***




Escobar, Richard

69 Wodsedge Ave.

Budd Lake




Comments: HM2 USN 1977-***

Everett, Thomas

3305 Van Buren Dr.

Tampa, FL 3***



Fanelli, Robert

served with fox co 71-72 1st patoon charlie da-nang and chu-lai trying to find John cornell who served with me ,fox was the best and memories will be there with me always .. Semper fi to all my Brothers

P. O. Box***

Glasco New York




Farmer, Randall



Farris, Daniel B.

Served with Fox 2/5 1969 to 1970. Was in 2 Charlie. Made it to the reunion in Reno. Hope to make the next one - where ever it might be.

5215 Tholozan Ave.

St. Louis, MO 6***



314 - 351-***

Fayette, Dan

11010 NE 108th St.

Kirkland, WA 9***




Updated 31Aug03

Corpsman with Fox 2/5 December 68 through July 69, when I went to 1st Med. in Danang. Remember the mountains well, especially our walk up hill 10000 (at least it seemed that high) and a huge number of malaria cases. Arizona territory (crossing the river on amtracs). GoNoi Island (not a fun place), and Liberty Bridge. Went to Desert Storm with a Fleet Hospital but got to visit with many friends attached to Marine units. Retired with 30 years in 1997 as Master Chief Hospital Corpsman. (Added 31Aug03)

Forbes, James

Would like to contact other members of foxtrot company, that was there in 1969. Looking for King Pitman and all others.

yours Prince Forbes

433 Bronxpark Ave

Bronx, NY 1***

(718) 829-***



Frasier, Ronald

Email: rfrasier**[ta]**kernet.coom

Address: 507 St Claire St., Ashland, WI 5***

Comments: Joined Fox 2/5 in Nov. 1967. Served in 3rd platoon Fox... Guns...entered Hue with Fox by air Feb 1, 1968..I'm a middle school principal in Ashland, Wisc. Married have two children... Very happy to be alive...

Phone: 715-682-***

Frederick, Keith

58 Broadway

Rockland, ME 0***



Fueglein, Jonathan

I was a hospital corpsman serving with fox 2/5. I was wounded 7/6/69. Wounds lead to my medical retirement 12/19/69. I became a paramedic in civilian life. I work for the St. Louis Fire Department. Been doing it for 30 years.

3822 Castleman Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63110-***


Fuller, David

Served with Fox 2/5 3rd Plt. Feb 68 to Sept. 70. Lt. Korn was my first Plt Cmd. State side I did a tour at MCRD, 8th & I, and the Camp David.

4140 Sunrise Dr.

Park City, UT 8***



Funderburk, John W.

Received 3 Purple Hearts. Lost a lot of good friends. I think about the living and the dead a lot. I would love to hear from anyone 3rd platoon fox company 2/5 attached to weapons Feb '68 to Mar ***

P. O. Box***

Warm Springs, GA 3***




Galindo, Sam



2535 East Nisbet Rd., Phonex, AZ 8***

Comments: CPL. Galindo SA Entered Service Aug 4,1983 Recieved Honorable Discharge Aug 5,1985. Served 2yrs Fox Co. 2/5 3rd Platoon 0311 at Margarita Hill! 6 months operation Bearhunt, Okinawa,Philipines,S.Korea. Fap 4 months as Truck Driver at 52 area San Onfre. Served last eight months as Range Coach at Weapons Training Battalion. After college,I have worked for the Semiconductor Industry to present. My father served in 2/5 in Korea 1950-1951.Im proud to be the son of one of the "Frozen Chosen" Vets.

Garcia, Julio

I was assigned to Fox 2/5 (do not remember the platoon I was in). I was sent to the rear and put in 81 Mortars after getting wounded in May 69. Ironic, but I was wounded my third time on September 5, 1969. I was still with 81 mortars, but the company that was securing our perimeter was Fox 2/5. I am now a retired Master Sergeant, I joined the Oregon National Guard in 1975, transferred to active duty with them and retired March 2000. I now work for the State. I have been married to the same lady for 37 years.19 South 6th St.

Independence, OR 0***



Garnsey III, Francis R.

109 Brooklyn Ave

Creston, OH 4***




Glasser, Leonard B.

Jul to Sep 1966, 3rd Plt, Sep 66 Co Radio Hq's Sec, CO, Cpt Matthews , Hill 76,35***

154 Graham Road

South Windsor Ct 06074-***

(860) 644-***



Goddard, Jeff

2527 South Cherokee Drive

Owensboro, KY 4***




I served with Fox 2/5 from 1986-1990 and have many great memories. Would like to find others I served with.

Gold, Donald

I was in weapons platton attached to Fox Co. 2/5. I was an 0351 (rockets). I served with F2/5 from December 1967 through February 4, 1968 until I was wounded and airlifted out. I work for the U.S. Postal Service down in Savannah, GA. I lived in New York for a lot of years before I relocated to GA.

36 Tammys Circle

Pooler, GA 3***

(912) 655-4957 updated 5Oct05



updated 5Dec05

Golemon, Melvin

Looking for anyone from 3rd Plt Fox 2/5. Nicknamed "Gomer". Looking for Nick and Romeo.

104 McDuffie Circle

Daphne, AL 3***




Gonzalez, Ismael B.

RT 7 Box 683-C

Mission, TX 7***


1969 Vietnam, Hue, Hamburger Hill, Company F Second Batallion, Fifth Marines, First Marine Division. I would like to know more about my division and the casualties.

Gordon, Mickey

2120 Bridgewater Road

Aston, PA 1***



LZ Baldt 1970-71, 60 mm's. Member "Hole in the Wall Gang"

Graeb, William D.

I'm glad to see we're getting on the net It'll make a lot easier to communicate that way, since I'm no good at writing letter's , it's good to talk to fellow MARINE'S I miss it quiet A bit , well I guess I better go.

513 Westwood Dr.

Marrero, LA 7***

(504) 328-***



Grace, Donald R.

Trying to find anyone from 1967 operation tuscaloosa and later coalminds you can reverse the charges on telephone would like to know. 2/5 Fox 5th marin***

217 South Wayne Ave

Cincinnati, OH




Graham, Barrett

P.O. Box***

Newport, NC 2***




Graham, Bob

Now I am an old man. Now I have regrets for what I did, didn't do. Men I could have saved and never got to, but no regrets for the NVA I got.

I don't know about you guys, but I get still teary at the wrong times, especially if I am drinking. I still get teary at a parade, even if I am not drinking. I can watch WWII real tape and not choke up...it's history to me. I can watch the new stuff, even Crotch Guys, and it's News.

When I watch any film from the 'Nam, I get teary, more than teary, really teary.

I'd like to say to you all...Welcome Home and a great HooRah and Semper Fi!!! F' 2/3/3 67-68 FOrmer N.C.P.D., N.Y. 6***

273 Ryan Road

Winder, GA 3***

cell: 770-425-***



Graham, John

Son of James Graham, CO 6***

Email: jcgvette**[ta]**thlink.net


Address: 733 Peaks St., Bedford, VA 2***

Phone: 540-586-***

Griswold, John

Semper Fi,I was with Fox 2/5 from 6/7/67 to 7/7/68. Fought at Hue City during TET and got wounded.I am looking for anyone who was there at the same time? Was known as uncle griz.

45 Birchwood Rd.

Randolph, MA 0***




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